Laptop Cleaning

Quick Repair | Diagnostics | Quick return

The motherboard is one of the main elements of a laptop, because it contains a network card, video card, wi-fi adapters and other chips that ensure the functioning of the device. There is no image when the laptop starts, it can’t connect to wi-fi, windows does not load – all this can indicate a motherboard breakdown. That is why, before repair work, it is necessary to diagnose the device and determine the causes of the malfunction.

The laptop does not turn on or have you noticed that the equipment has started to work more slowly?

We offer customers free diagnostics of computer equipment, provided that the repair will be carried out by our specialists. If, after the diagnosis, we understand that we cannot offer a solution to the problem, for example, due to the lack of necessary parts for repair, you will not have to pay for the service either.

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  • 100% satisfied customers and guarantee
  • Highly qualified technicians
  • Free device diagnostics
  • The fastest repair time
  • Prices for services are much lower than other competitors
  • Original parts for your device
  • Guarantee